Sometimes My Heart

Sometimes my heart is a rock–hard, impenetrable, safe from abuse, except for that tiny hole that no one sees.

Sometimes my heart is a pear–a skin so thin, so vulnerable that the core lies soft right next to the hardness of life.

Sometimes my heart is a rubber band–stretched here and there, bending, not breaking, but stressed to the point of pain, feeling as if to snap.

Sometimes my heart is broken in bits–seemingly unmendable pieces, pouring out tears and prayers and shouts in the night.

And sometimes my heart begs to be held, begs to be mended with God-songs and promises and forever hopes that soar through open windows on eagle’s words–golden in the middle of the raging.

About apronheadlilly

wife and mother, musician, composer / poet, teacher, and observer of the world, flawed Christ-follower
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27 Responses to Sometimes My Heart

  1. David Rheins says:

    Love this. Very fine work.

  2. nutsfortreasure says:

    I love this one

  3. dorannrule says:

    This is your lovely, heartfelt side Lilly. Beautiful.

    • Thank you. The eagle part is a bit esoteric, but it was based on a dream I had where an eagle talked to me. It was one of those powerful moments that are not just based on indigestion. 🙂

  4. Susan Gaddis says:

    Beautifully said and expressing so much so simply. Lovely.

  5. i really like this one. thanks. 🙂

  6. Monika says:

    Lilly – these gorgeous photos and posts (funny AND inspirational) deserve to be compiled and published!! It would make a lovely devotional, a book that everyone can enjoy and would make a terrific Christmas gift!! Has the thought ever crossed your mind?

  7. Reblogged this on A p r o n h e a d — Lilly and commented:


  8. jmgoyder says:

    I can identify with this!

  9. Mirada says:

    Wow, this is so GOOD. Thanks for sharing what many of us feel.

  10. Beautiful! The heart knows what it wants!

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