I Thought

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I thought I heard you breathe, but it was leaves rustling in the wind—simply high pressure and low, changing places, stirring up desert sands.

I thought I heard you laugh; but peering through the trees, it was only spring melt of winter’s snow, filling and rushing along a creek bed.

I thought I saw your shininess for a split second; but iridescence, refraction, rainbow colors, caressing puffs of condensation are products of the hydrologic cycle—a simple lesson that any school child should know.

I thought I felt your touch, warm and wet, a comfort; but it was simply my dog nuzzling for attention, sharking me with his long collie muzzle, only slightly awake to my stinging need.

It was easier when I was a child—faith, that is—easier before the jading.

Easier before complications,


distractions, and disappointments.

But then I thought . . . and I wondered what happened to the wonder.

And I thought a thought.

So I listened to hear.

I looked to see,

I reached to touch; and in that moment,

a fragile moment,

I felt

the wonder coming back.


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About apronheadlilly

wife and mother, musician, composer / poet, teacher, and observer of the world, flawed Christ-follower
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22 Responses to I Thought

  1. reinkat says:

    This is beautiful, really beautiful.
    The wonder is always there, lurking below our suppression of it. We each need to find the way to release and feel it again in ourselves.

    • Absolutely. I took in 2 great wonders today already: a beautiful orange-pink sunrise and an uplifting drum core group drumming outside my office with little kids parading around with balloons, celebrating the 100th day of school. Oops, there’s another–the wind rustling through the dry seed pods on the tree in the yard. Noticing wonders could be distracting. 🙂

  2. jmgoyder says:

    This took my breath away.

  3. dorannrule says:

    This is stunning writing Lilly – makes me think to look closer for the wonders of life. P.S. I don’t know why but WP will not let me “like” any posts lately. I want you to know though – I definitely like this one! 🙂

  4. Joe Dallas says:

    OK, that’s my favorite of your poems so far. Read it aloud to Renee and we’re both loving your phrasing and the general message in this one. Great job!

  5. Debbie says:

    Tenderly beautiful.

  6. v4vikey says:

    Wonderful images…

  7. gingerbreadcafe says:

    Great words and images of wonder, the rainbow just appearing on the cloud is a fab photo.

  8. Starralee says:

    How marvelous that the wonder does come back, that HE is so faithful.

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