If I Had to Be Blue

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If I had to be blue, I would be a bluebird,

wild, with a song on the wing.

If I had to be yellow, I would be a sun,

all bursting shine and warmth.

If I had to be red, I would be an apple,

firm on the outside and sweet within.

If I had to be green, I would be pine and spruce,

mountain grown and fragrant tall.

If I had to be white, I would be snow,

crystalline and heartsong pure.

A rainbow of colors, I would love to be

with a touch of melancholy to make up the me.

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About apronheadlilly

wife and mother, musician, composer / poet, teacher, and observer of the world, flawed Christ-follower
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5 Responses to If I Had to Be Blue

  1. keelymyles says:

    Another brilliant write, Lilly. Love it!

  2. susanpoozan says:

    What a touching poem. Enjoyed the images too.

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