Worth Fighting For

I started in Joshua for my Bible reading to start the year. Once again, I was reminded that God gave the people of Israel the land across the Jordan, but it was not a passive gift.

We just had Christmas presents exchanged. They were opened passively, some liked, some not, but it was all just a relatively simple and sane exchange. Not one gift was given with the instructions that possession involved fighting enemies who were bent on your not having that gift, though there was a lot of wrapping paper pelting done in good fun with no injuries.

I guess my expectation is that when God promises me something, it should come easy. But that never seems to be the way of things. Promises and gifts come with the daily struggle of commitment, of surrender, and I give up so easily as to make His gifts seem worthless.

But all the gracelets so freely given to my life are worth sacrificing for in the possessing.

About apronheadlilly

wife and mother, musician, composer / poet, teacher, and observer of the world, flawed Christ-follower
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2 Responses to Worth Fighting For

  1. Man, is that the truth, Lilly!?

    Thank you for that reminder today.



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