It All Adds Up

Some people count states on license plates when on a long trip. We count hawks. It’s a birder / photographer thing, I suppose. Though, sadly, I never get to stop to grab the photo when we are aiming to get from point A to point B in the shortest amount of hubby time.

On this recent trip to OK over New Year’s, we had a 28 hawk day. That’s probably the most we have ever seen. On the trip home, we had a 20 hawk day–actually a 19 hawk plus 1 eagle day. Still pretty cool!

But on our trip to Dallas yesterday, which is a much shorter trip, we had a 2 hawk day–one alive and perched, the other dead in the middle of an off-ramp, wing reaching toward the sky. Sad. And then to round the trip off, for the very first time, we had a javelina day!

I had heard there were a lot of them here, but we had never seen any. This one was a mighty rotund specimen, eating busily by the side of the road. He should have been glad I am vegan. They will destroy property with all their rooting, and I can see why. They could also do a lot of damage should you hit one with the car, but gladly this fella was keeping to the shoulder.

I don’t intend on changing our hawk counting, but I think I might need to also keep my eyes open to the side of the road, if only for the safety of our bumper.

No pic to follow–point A, point B!

About apronheadlilly

wife and mother, musician, composer / poet, teacher, and observer of the world, flawed Christ-follower
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