About Lilly

Tahoe ’10

When my husband suggested Apronhead as my music publishing name, I was not that taken with it.  It is, of course, an allusion to Suzanna Wesley, mother of the famous Wesley brothers, who found her quiet time under her apron, while some gazillion (maybe eleven) kids milled around, well . . . doing kid things.

My name choice was Homegrown, which sadly has some “medicinal” connotations.  So Apronhead did kind of grow on me after a while, because in this crazy, noisy world with so much stimuli and so many voices commanding attention, it becomes a survival necessity to find an apron somewhere under which a person can recharge, be inspired, and pray.

Reading, writing, composing, and singing become a part of that apron.  It is not just about an audience, though there is value and fun in that; it is about reaching out, sharing a gift, rubbing shoulders with like-minded souls who affirm my ah-ha moments.

Random things:

  • Canadian, but they still hound me for jury duty so they can reject me.
  • Discography (read that vinyl, not CDs):  Lilly (Destiny Records), Especially for You, and I Am Blessed (Myrrh / Word)
  • Check out Lilly Green Music on FB
  • Spend that 99 cents and download “Very God of Very God” from i-tunes or Amazon!!!!  I can’t get my family to do it, so I’m relying on perfect and not-so perfect strangers.
  • 4 boys, 3 married and living hithor and yon across the globe
  • 3 grandchildren (best in the world so far!)
  • Homeschooled my kids and survived–even grew smarter
  • Currently teaching independent study for a Christian school, part of the home education arm of the school
  • Help administrate home ed department with my husband
  • Love clouds, trees, mountains, and all manner of water
  • Think blue skies day after day are boring
  • Health food nut and avid juicer (read that: not performance-enhancing kind, but rather the fruit and vegie kind)
  • Grind my own grain and bake my own bread (am not Amish)
  • Sold on organics and sustainable farming (Say NO to giant agribusiness!)
  • Love to photograph:  I see the my world framed in pictures with or without my camera.
  • Singer, composer, worshiper, quilter, armchair theologian, poet, and sometime complainer
  • My art is taking a back seat to have-to’s      –>ah, that making a living jazz!
  • Pacifist unless you come for mine 🙂

For more writings, follow my other blog at http://everythingchangesinthelight.blogspot.com/  Many are duplicates.

201 Responses to About Lilly

  1. danitacahill says:

    Hey Lilly, I nominated you for the “Liebster Blog” award! Please refer to my latest post on the subject. (And now you understand why I asked about your followers…)

  2. danitacahill says:

    You are very welcome.

  3. SR says:

    You sound like a great lady who loves life. It sounds as if you have had and do have a very busy one at that, but a very enjoyable one. God Bless, SR

  4. Lilly, now that I actually know about you, I find we are connected in many ways. Just so you know.

  5. I’m gonna home school my son, and I’m totally nervous about it lol I’m also Canadian..yay us!!! and, I wish I knew how to make bread<3

    • Don’t be nervous. You will do great! There are so many great resources out there now, and no one cares as much as you do about your son’s progress. Just think how you can tailor make his studies, and he won’t be one of thirty, lost in the crowd! Press on!

      Bread is a skill that must be learned by touch and not just by recipe. Did you read my bread workshop blog. Results not guaranteed. 🙂

  6. seekraz says:

    Hello Lilly – I saw that you stopped-by my blog the other day…thank you for visiting and for letting me know that you were there.

    You have an interesting and beautiful blog…thank you for sharing with us. 🙂

  7. You sound like a lovely woman! I have really enjoyed viewing what I have so far of your blog. It is a great place to relax and very welcoming. Love the photos too! Thanks for visiting me and for the like. Best wishes to you! Celeste.

  8. Hello Lilly, thank you for visiting my blog. When I saw your blog, the only thought that cross my mind was that I can learn a lot from you!

  9. Hi Lilli! I have nominated you for the Candle Lighter Award! Please stop by and post a comment to accept. Congrats, Celeste.

  10. Lilly, I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award in my post yesterday (http://bigpictureviewoftisha.com/2012/01/11/versatile-blogger-award/) because you share very interesting thing in word and photos!!

    • I appreciate you nominating me; it is truly a compliment. The only reason I don’t go on with it is because the process seems a bit like chain letters. Now if it came with money, I’d be all over it! 🙂 Thanks again.

  11. Malebolgia says:

    Hi, I really like this picture! It remembers me something of C.D. Friedrich paintings 🙂
    I’d like to share with you my photography blog: http://www.bluenoah.net
    Every comment is well accepted!

  12. New blogger and am grateful I came across your blog. Enjoyed your blog on Bare Bones of Winter. Also, your mother and grandmother heart just shines through. Blessings!

  13. Fylvia says:

    I’ve been browsing through your posts and invite you to write for the second volume of a Alabaster Jars, a compilation or readings and stories. There are several in your blog that we could use or you can write us a fresh one.

    The proceeds of the book sales go towards women’s literacy projects in developing countries. The guidelines are on the website, http://www.alabasterjars.org and the fist volume of the book is on sale at amazon.com (http://amzn.to/alabasterjars)

    Here’s my email: ffkline@gmail.com

  14. Hi Lilly,

    I just read your poetry and saw some of those awesome pictures that you clicked, and I think that it’s very extraordinary!!
    You are a great photographer, your pictures have a song of their own! Keep up your amazing work. I am a fan!! 🙂

    Loads of love,

  15. ludo rush job says:


  16. dancingbeastie says:

    Hello and congratulations on being Freshly Juiced! 😉
    Your poem on the ‘bare bones of winter’ was lovely; sparse but uplifting and thought-provoking. Speaking as a bit of a tree-hugger I loved its imagery too. (My own blog has become a bit of a tree-fest, which is not how it started…) I love the political ducks and the dancing carrots too – I’ll be back, please!

  17. dogear6 says:

    I was wondering where the name of your blog came from – never expected that one. I think it’s a great name!

  18. Karen says:

    Hi Lily, Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. I do admissions in a very small progressive school which is a great environment for kids to come to who’ve previously been home-schooled. I have a lot of admiration for the moms who have the patience and commitment to home schooling! Your pictures speak loudly to me. I’m sure I’ll be back!

  19. Hi, I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. More details can be found here: http://tiny.cc/1d2ia. I hope you like it.

  20. dianne - life as i see it says:

    very enjoyable.. ;o)

  21. hello, ms. lily,

    love the pic and the bio is one of the best i’ve read so far. shaks, you’re a professional musician! one who also does photography? arrgh… 🙂

    • Oh, and I bake bread, too! 🙂 If it’s any consolation, I’m a bad housekeeper!

      • oh, i sharpen pencils! does that count? i also put covers on books. hmmn, am running out of skills to put in the list, haha… ^^

        you’re somehow like our mother – very versatile, spontaneously creative and writes really fast and well. she doesn’t know how to take pics but loves being photographed. got her a manual kodak when she was still around. she’s no good at all with housekeeping, haha. 🙂

  22. shrutitrivedi says:

    I put it plainly. I adore your blog, and your poetry!
    Well, i have a passion for writing too. You might check my blog at shrutitrivedi.wordpress.com!

  23. I nominated you for the Sunshine Award. Congratulations! Check on my blog for details.

  24. Love your blog. We have a lot in common. Glad to meet you.

  25. Judy says:

    Lovely introduction! I love all the things you do! I was a public school teacher for almost 3 decades, so I can relate to your teaching part. I’m off to visit your blog! Thanks for visiting mine!

  26. katehobbs says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog at http://myphotoyear2012.wordpress.com
    I wanted to know more about you and I find that we have a lot in common.
    Although not Canadian I have just moved to BC from the UK. Homeschooling – done that.
    Love nature in all its splendour, with blue skies or not. Healthly food, preferably grown by me but if not, then organic. Local suppliers and orchardists are the way that we should be looking (i.e. going back to what we did years ago)
    I make my own bread and love it, but don’t grow my own grain. And then there is the photography – a new hobby for me but so fulfilling.
    Finally, but not the least important – Father God and the ability to worship Him.
    Now that the intros are over, it’s time to go and look at your blogs in more detail.
    Every blessing. Kate

  27. atranquilplace says:

    Lovely image. Have a blessed day…

  28. Pingback: It’s All About Inspiration « Technicolor Day Dreams

  29. selah says:

    thank you very much for visiting The Dappled Path and for following me. Your photos are wonderful.

  30. Subhan Zein says:

    Hi Lily,

    Taking a joyful ride in your blog, I’ve been enjoying what I have read so far. Now I would like to
    kindly invite you to visit my blog. I’ve got some poetry and flash fiction that may be of interest to you:

    “Dance, Dance Under the Rain!”: http://subhanzein.wordpress.com/2012/03/02/dance-dance-under-the-rain/
    “Whirling Towards the Divinity”: http://subhanzein.wordpress.com/2012/02/03/whirling-towards-the-divinity-2/
    “Love is the Water of Life”: http://subhanzein.wordpress.com/2012/02/22/love-is-the-water-of-life/
    “A Hug from My Heart”: http://subhanzein.wordpress.com/2012/02/29/pantun-sz-012012/
    “God Invites You to a Party” : http://subhanzein.wordpress.com/2012/03/08/god-invites-you-to-a-party/
    “She Surrendered to the Transcend”: http://subhanzein.wordpress.com/2012/02/24/she-surrendered-to-the-transcend/
    Love is a Heart Throbbing Joyride: http://subhanzein.wordpress.com/2012/03/16/love-is-a-heart-throbbing-joyride/

    “The Scholar and the Boatman: http://subhanzein.wordpress.com/2012/02/08/the-scholar-and-the-boatman/
    “Two Rupiah Notes”: http://subhanzein.wordpress.com/2012/02/19/two-rupiah-notes/
    “Becoming Human”: http://subhanzein.wordpress.com/2012/02/26/becoming-human/
    “Chinese Bamboo and Paulo Coelho”: http://subhanzein.wordpress.com/2012/01/24/chinese-bamboo-and-paulo-coelho/
    And the latest: “Pham and Her Gold Fish” http://subhanzein.wordpress.com/2012/03/04/pham-and-her-gold-fish/

    Please feel free to have a look at them. Thank you and have a great day, my new friend! 🙂

    Warm regards from Down Under,

    Subhan Zein

  31. Pingback: About and Honors from Fellow Bloggers « Hoof Beats and Foot Prints

  32. I’ve enjoyed your blog so much that I have nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award. Congratulations ! For more information, just link to my page:


  33. Hi Lily! Thanks for visiting and following my blog “Eyes to Heart.” And thanks for liking “Walking the dog(s) …” I, too, am Canadian. I sing. Photograph. Love nature. And I relate to many of your thoughts. Glad you express them. Will follow you too … Be well, Dorothy 🙂

  34. Thanks for liking my post, is it a whale?
    Enjoying your blog and will follow 😉

  35. Mona says:

    Lilly, I nominated you for the Sunshine Award. Check it out: http://monahoward.com/2012/03/25/the-sun-is-shining/

  36. kzackuslheureux says:

    I have four sons as well, none full-grown. I think we have a lot in common, only I can’t hold a tune. Blessings!

  37. kzackuslheureux says:

    Hi There, You’ve been officially nominated for the Sunshine blogger award. I don’t know if you’re into these things, but you add to my weekly sunshine. Thanks for sharing you talents. Follow the link for more details if you’re interested.

  38. E A M Harris says:


    I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Congratulations. Either of these URLs will take you to the rules for claiming it. http://versatilebloggeraward.wordpress.com/about/ http://songsofseasons.wordpress.com/2012/04/04/new-post-the-versatile-blogger-award/


  39. Seasonsgirl says:

    First time to your blog… enjoying it 🙂

  40. Pingback: Sharing Sunday « The big picture view for Tisha

  41. Shez says:

    Lilly, I re-read this today after listening to your song. I must say in the months since I first “met” you I had forgotten a lot of it. Guess I remembered the parts where we shared a common link and when you mentioned singing it slipped through the cracks in my head. Sing I don’t, even Happy Birthday brings stares of disbelief and hands flying over ears. Not one of my blessings. I have others to cherish and an iPod, CD collection, vinyl collection, and got rid of the 8 track tape deck and tapes. 🙂

  42. Thanks for deciding to follow my blog…I hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I have yours…BTW great photos of the farm in Canada…actually kind of reminded me of home in Illinois.

    Be encouraged!

    • Thanks! The one from above was taken from the workman’s ladder on top of the 60′ silo. I came home one time and Dad had had it built. I didn’t know about the inside ladder that was safer! 🙂

  43. pattisj says:

    Liked your list of “random things.”

  44. How are you all the time? Have you stopped blogging or have you been busy in your life? Miss all your cheery posts. Hope you get back to it sometime in the future.

  45. Christine says:

    Hi Lilly. I notice that your other blog is from blogspot. I’ve set up one with them now and checking them out. I see that I can tag my posts with labels, but is there a central Labels list somewhere, like the WordPress “Hot topics” or Popular tags list, where we can see headings of other people’s posts? Or is it ‘by invitation only’? I need a human somewhere to answer me. 🙂

    • I have not been very impressed with them, and the new changes made finding things even harder. I don’t know of a grand central for tags. I am happy I started there–got me started blogging. But I’m thinking of closing it down because WP is so much more efficient for connecting. In over 2 years, I still only have 20 some followers there, but there are some folks I still want to stay connected with. So I’ll probably keep it, but I don’t put every post there.

    • Another thing that is nuts is the word verification. They use the ones that are hardly discernible. It is irritating for folks who want to comment, and some will not bother. Since there is no “LIKE” it is your only feedback. Go into settings and disarm it.

      • Christine says:

        Thanks for your advice. I just spent most of the day switching both our blogs over to WordPress. (I’d set one up for hubby, too, yesterday. He’s fine-tuning his now.)
        I need a photo for my header now; have been searching Google Images, but am leery of copyright infringement. Sigh.

  46. Hi again. I’ve figured out how to do a blogroll. Do you mind if I put you on mine? (P.s: Feel free to edit or delete my questions if you like. You may not want them on your “About” forever. 🙂 )

  47. Bingo… the nail on the head! Visual addiction, too, perhaps? (As in sites?)

  48. Thanks for sharing! I love the photo; I go to Tahoe all the time!

  49. Vinny Grette says:

    Congratulations! I have awarded you the One Lovely Blog Award. You have a wonderful blog! Your photos are breathtaking.
    The Rules for Award participation are:
    1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you.
    2. Paste the award image on your blog, anywhere.
    3. Tell them 7 facts about yourself.
    4. Nominate 9 other blogs you like for this award
    5. Contact the bloggers that you have chosen to let them know that they have been nominated
    Check out my page on Tuesday, June 19, for the official announcement of the awards: cookupastory.wordpress.com

  50. Janice D says:

    Hey! I passed the Versatile Blogger Award on to you…scrolling through all these comments I can see you are more than familiar with award nods! I know you won’t do whole song and dance to accept, that’s okay. I wanted to share your blog with others ’cause it’s so great! 🙂

  51. Becky says:

    Lilly….it’s been many years! Anaheim St in LB CA about 1973-1975? ;-). Now Grandmothers and so many years gone by!

  52. Lauren Tave says:

    I simply want to mention I’m beginner to weblog and absolutely liked you’re page. Most likely I’m going to bookmark your blog post . You absolutely have wonderful article content. Thanks a lot for sharing with us your web-site.

  53. nutsfortreasure says:

    I have nominated you for an award which you can pick up here ENJOY and thanks for all your comments on my blog


  54. Hey there!
    I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blog and Inspiring Blog Awards. Here’s the link: http://thesugarlump.com/2012/09/17/one-lovely-blog-and-inspiring-blog-awards/
    Best wishes,

  55. 9symphony9 says:

    Hello from New York. I have an entire blog on clouds http://sky-photography.blogspot.com/ and 24 music blogs if you like music.

  56. Hello Lilly,

    It has been a very long time since we have spoken. I pray you are happy and well. My name is Lillian Hart your friend from Granada Hills in the 1970’s. We went to Sweden together with Duane. It would be great to catch up with you after all these years.. I have listened to some of your new music online and hope to reconnect with you again. Please send me an email to the address below, It is my Son-n-law’s, and he will help me to get in phone contact if you wish. Much love and Prayers. Lillian and Richard Hart.

  57. Lilly,
    Please email Lillian and Richard Hart at robinrush59@gmail.com

    Best to you.

    Robin and Nancy.

    • Tell Rich and Lillian not to give up on me 🙂 School is busy right now, I’m having more bouts with migraines, and cell phone talking often gives me a migraine. So I *will* get in touch eventually!

  58. Hello` I came by to thank t you for following my blog over from Julie’s and am so wonderfully surprised to read in some ways there is a connection right from the beginning. I also am a vocalist and have a strong music back ground.
    I am just beginning to see the great force that this blogging community can have in terms of music on a personal level;

    Thank you for following Barefoot Baroness. I look forward to getting to know you while following your blog a swell.~ BB

  59. nutsfortreasure says:

    Lily like me you have an amazing life but we share the love of Fast Birds 🙂 when you find the time to sneak away please come over to Living and Loving and Accept The Blogger of The Year 2012 Award as you deserve it

  60. 21x25 says:

    “Love to photograph: I see the my world framed in pictures with or without my camera.”
    This is exactly how i feel!!

  61. Love your blog ! I have an award for you at my place. Please stop by and check it out ! Bella

  62. LyannV says:

    Thank you for being such an inspiration to me…I have nominated you for the Blog of the Year 2012 award. You can check out your link here http://viewsofmyworld.wordpress.com/2012/12/27/blog-of-the-year-awards/ and I would be honored if you would accept the award 🙂

  63. I like Apronhead! Its different and unique.

  64. Hi Lilly, just wanted to make your aquaintance. We have a lot in common in that we are both wives, mothers, grandmas, writers, artist and have homeschooled.
    I do not write poetry and cannot write music, but I am a photographer. Love you site.

  65. Sorry, hit post too early. I didn’t spell check (I believe I spelled acquaintance wrong) or add the most important commonality, I’m a fellow flawed Christ follower! Have a great day! 🙂

  66. Hello, Thank you for visit my site. You have such a wonderful blog.

  67. I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Blog Award, because your posts always bring a ray of sunshine to my life! You can find the rules and information on this at this link: http://dwelchel.wordpress.com/2013/05/13/sunshine-bloggers-award-i-feel-so-loved/

  68. Hi Lilly

    Pleased to meet you. :).

    My name is Kevin Gillespie, I do, MUCH prefer to be called Kev though. :).

    I live in Wales, & am now Following you on this Blog. :).

    Best Wishes
    Kev 🙂

  69. grimmreport says:

    I’ve nominated you for the Super Sweet Blogger Award! *confetti and balloons fall from ceiling* Congratulations! See the GrimmReport.com for more info.

  70. Hi, I’ve nominated you for the super sweet blogging award at http://gettingridofboredom.wordpress.com/2013/06/19/the-super-sweet-blogging-award/.
    I hope you will accept it. Even if you wish not to,please know that I really enjoy reading your posts.

  71. My Tropical Home says:

    Wow, you’re popular! Thanks for visiting my humble blog. I can tell from the snippets I’ve read that I’m going to enjoy yours. Have a blessed week. Warmly, Mary

  72. I nominate you for the prestigious Inner Peace Award and a bouquet of Super Awards, my friend, for the person you are and what you share with the world. Please click on the link below for the details.


  73. JC says:

    Just found your ‘sound’ and was lulled to keep scrolling because of your photographs 🙂
    Keep on shining your light of peace my sister.

  74. I enjoyed reading your about page – you made me smile with your lovely sense of humor. We homeschool at our house and have been for over 10 years.

    Blessings ~ Wendy

  75. Biltrix says:

    Hi Lilly. I just wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for the Most Influential Blogger Award. If you are interested, you can check out the details here: http://biltrix.com/2013/07/27/biltrix-discovers-puzzling-new-planet-and-is-nominated-for-most-influential-blogger-award/

  76. Love that last line! Me too. I also homeschooled my two children. I loved it and miss it terribly. I would teach my dogs to read it that was possible. Thanks for visiting me.

  77. Capt Jill says:

    thanks for stopping by my blog, I’m glad you liked my photos for the weekly photo challenge: light. I’m glad to have found you.

  78. Nickie Brook says:

    Thanks for stopping by my page, I hope you stop again soon!

  79. hadorable says:

    Hello Lilly!
    Thank you for following @hadorable
    Love your passion in life
    Hope to keep in touch!

  80. Organic and authentic. Lol at Homegrown. Yeah, I can see where the mix up would be. But you’re truly organic. Wish I was homeschooled by you. You seem like one of my favorite teachers. 🍎🍎🍎

  81. Hi there! I’ve nominated your beautiful blog for the One Lovely Blog Award. 🙂 http://shakespearesgal.wordpress.com/2014/05/06/a-horse-is-never-just-a-horse/ … Be well, Dorothy

  82. C.e. says:

    Lovely introspective spot in which to visit ~

  83. Hi Lilly, I just “liked” your fb page and I love your recording of “You’re not alone” as tribute to your Father. That was beautiful and so, so touching…I didn’t know you sang or had the page, so I’m glad I did some reading tonight. 🙂 And if you’re interested, my poetry page is “New Day, New Dreams.” I used to sing years ago, but don’t anymore, so it was great listening to you. Keep singing and have a wonderful weekend!
    Lauren xx

    • Thanks for the comments. Life is so crazy right now with school starting, I am so behind in blog catch-up. Hope to check out your work.

      • I’m far behind, too, again, so no worries. I’d love to see you whenever you have the time! The summer always seems to fly by. I enjoy the light traffic when school’s out. It’s great for driving and also for walking the dog. 🙂

        • This year has been like a roller coaster. I keep waiting for things to get “back to normal” but I realize I have no idea what normal looks like anymore!

  84. Bams Triwoko says:

    Hi Lilly, glad to connect and interact with you.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog… cheers…. !!

  85. Thank you for stopping by Storyteller. — Ray

  86. Cezane & Michelle says:

    This is an example of a complete blog at the start of a sail towards massive success. I really love the contents your bring forth from your posts, you have a classic way with words. You earned my support through my follow. Keep going. Cheers! – Cezane 🙂

  87. dawnbirdau says:

    Beautiful blog! Thank you for visiting mine.

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