My Book of Uncommon Prayers: Here in the Middle

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Time and non-time,

the common and the uncommon, spinning together,

sometimes glimpsed, but often not–

always together, spiritual and material,


God is calling, wanting communion;

it’s a call to communion,

to participate

in all these grace-gifts.

Heaven and earth are tangled, and here I am in the middle,

thinking I am caught only in my own will and experience, when

there is this tugging for the eternal, the mystery–for me and my affections,

and I am off trying to find myself, when

I need only find myself in You.

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About apronheadlilly

wife and mother, musician, composer / poet, teacher, and observer of the world, flawed Christ-follower
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5 Responses to My Book of Uncommon Prayers: Here in the Middle

  1. Angeline M says:

    A truly beautiful prayer.

  2. patsy miller says:

    Wow! Very good!! Very true!!

  3. Reblogged this on A p r o n h e a d — Lilly and commented:

    Another “middle” one………………..

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