Focus on Finches

About apronheadlilly

wife and mother, musician, composer / poet, teacher, and observer of the world, flawed Christ-follower
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14 Responses to Focus on Finches

  1. tootlepedal says:

    Good focus. I like your fence very much. Did you distress it deliberately like a fashionable decorator to make an intriguing background for your birds?

    • Ha! Not exactly. I really do like it for pictures, but after 23 years of desert drying and gale force winds, it is what it is. Parts in the yard are newer, having blown down in various wind episodes. I like its rustic look, and the white stucco of the neighbor’s house makes for a nice backdrop. Oh, and their gangly roses provide awesome color over my fence! 🙂

  2. dorannrule says:

    It’s just phenomenal the way you can catch these candid shots. Each one of the bird looks so puzzled, like it suspects you may be doing something dangerous but not sure. And that back fence of yours is the perfect foil (foil? is that the right word?). 🙂

    • In this case, I think so! 🙂 I try to catch them through my cleaned window, but lately, I have been venturing out and sitting really still. They often just look at me as if to say, “We know what you are doing, and when you leave we can be normal again!”

  3. Is the wagon a new feeder? : ) We had an explosion of house finches this summer and I am enjoying all their visits to our area.

    • I was thinking of planting cactus in our old wagon. I like its rustic look–even better as an advertisement for Rust-oleum! 🙂 Mmm. But the other white upsidedown planter is one of three, and I decided to give it a home as a grouping. Hence, the wagon. I like how they peek over the side and perch on the handle and sides. We’ll see what stays.

  4. You have such wonderful bird shots. I don’t have much success with them. I always enjoy yours.

    • I have the magic window by my work station. I actually have been able to sit outside quietly, too. The hummingbirds don’t seem to care at all, and the other birds will come and go tentatively. And it helps to have my camera on a fast shutter speed and shoot in bursts.

  5. SR says:

    PLEASE PLEASE, PLEASE MOVE NEXT DOOR TO ME??? You will have grass here, of course you will have to mow then, but I will mow for you, if you just keep taking these great pictures:>) God Bless, SR

  6. pattisj says:

    Some of my favorite little buddies!

  7. Mirjam says:

    Beautiful pictures. Wonderful colors and backgrounds. Be blessed!

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