One Seed

Encased within an earthen grave,

life begins to groan.



painful stretching strong,

resisting death,

creeping tendrils persist

to find a breath,

to find a light,

a life beyond the lonely black.

To hold the hope,

to have the will,

one seed comes springing forth.

About apronheadlilly

wife and mother, musician, composer / poet, teacher, and observer of the world, flawed Christ-follower
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27 Responses to One Seed

  1. As usual…very beautiful words….and great photos…!!!

  2. Cath Howell says:


  3. Judy says:

    What a beautiful commentary on seeds, flowers and growth…. very spiritual. Lovely poem and photos! Sunshine with petals!

  4. Beautiful! Enjoying your poetry and photos.

  5. Planting a seed shows faith in tomorrow.

  6. SL Schildan says:

    And isn’t it wonderful when the wind, the birds and the squirrels plant them and they surprise us in the spring. We have a purple crocus that just appeared this year. 😀

  7. Beautiful poem and photos!

  8. Christine says:

    Your pictures–and thoughts of a stray cloud 🙂 –inspired me to write a poem yesterday. I showed it to my nearest & dearest, but he seemed none too impressed. Oh, well–it is rather melancholy. It’s called “California Cloudburst”; you’ll find it on the Mini Poems page of my blog.

  9. Lindy Lee says:

    Can envision that seed making itself into a flower; beautiful poem…

  10. “to find a light,

    a life beyond the lonely black. ”

    – you always say it best, apronheadlily… ^^ hello! 🙂

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