Of Moons and Me

A bleached disc, pocked and golden,

friend of lovers, harvesters, and sky-watchers,

constant in your silent ascent,

round and round a synchronous path,

you grant the same old singing face.

Tide-puller and terrestrial-tracker,

visible by day and dazzling by night,

second brightest orb in the sky,

you have no light to call your own

except what you are given,

except what you reflect of the noble blazing sun

. . . and thus should I.

About apronheadlilly

wife and mother, musician, composer / poet, teacher, and observer of the world, flawed Christ-follower
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18 Responses to Of Moons and Me

  1. beautiful photos, nice sentiments… ^^ hello, ms. lily! thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  2. peacenikkie says:

    Love your prose and pics, Lilly. Always. ~0;-)

  3. Uncle Tree says:

    Yes, yes! I like your words and your pics, Lilly.
    Have a happy St. Patrick’s Day. Cheerz! 🙂 Uncle Tree

  4. gingerbreadcafe says:

    Lovely pictures, I like the top one with the bird in the tree.

  5. Absolutely wonderful and beautiful!

  6. Madhu says:

    Beautiful! Both the pics and your words!

  7. SL Schildan says:

    Did you take those last week? I would say we got the same moon, but it doesn’t matter where or when it IS always the same moon. 😉 I took about 70 shoots that afternoon/evening. Hard to do from a moving car, but if we hadn’t been in the car I wouldn’t have gotten the photos.

    Your photos are lovely.

    • Yeah, but before my accident so I don’t remember the day. Once the dark comes, I don’t have a good enough camera to capture the beauty of a full moon. I’m saving up!

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