My Book of Uncommon Prayers: My Easter Prayer

St. Andrew’s Abbey ’11

Is it just another day, another ritual performed,

a chance to wear new clothes and serve festive meals,

a celebration to mark our days and orient ourselves in a new year?

Is it just another obligation,

a compartment to fit in all the praiseworthy things

we ought to feel,

hope to feel,

about One so distant, so long ascended?

Has the burning in our hearts been quenched by familiar practices

and institutions?

Has the finger-in-the-side-faith lost its exclamations,

replaced by programs, distractions, and holy soundtracks?

Has our communion in the garden become commonplace

rather than ablaze with revelation and intimacy?

Oh, God of the resurrection,

God of the unruly and easily sidetracked,

burn within my heart this day.

Renew this shabby faith, these tattered shreds of almost belief,

with an obsession,

a knowing,

a persistence,

and an urgency to love You,

to love the faltering, the lost.

To be the Kingdom person you suffered to make me

is my Easter prayer.

St. Andrew’s Abbey ’11

About apronheadlilly

wife and mother, musician, composer / poet, teacher, and observer of the world, flawed Christ-follower
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21 Responses to My Book of Uncommon Prayers: My Easter Prayer

  1. susansplace says:

    Beautiful, beautiful prayer. Happy Easter, Lily!

  2. reinkat says:

    Beautiful prayer. Much to reflect on.
    Have a Happy and Blessed Easter!

  3. reinkat says:

    May I reblog this? I like to ask first.

  4. selah says:

    wow!! God bless you for this..

  5. reinkat says:

    Reblogged this on reinkat and commented:
    I love this prayer. I plan to read it daily for the duration of the Easter season.

  6. SR says:

    I may be late getting here, but I love this. Sometimes your soul amazes me. God Bless, SR

  7. SR says:

    I have had a heavy soul also for almost two months. I am so sorry to hear about yours. I am getting back on my feet now. I have a new blog up writing about this journey of my heavy soul and cross. http:/ If there is anything I can do let me know and will be praying for you. Take care and God Bless you, SR

  8. What has it all come too? A farce. Does no one really realize the blessings of this day?

I would love to hear from you!