Pelicans, Fishing for Compliments

I have never thought pelicans to be that beautiful a bird–maybe it’s something about that saggy, baggy jaw of theirs.

I’ve never been one to sing their praises when there was a song sparrow to be had, or a finch, or a jay, or an anything–really.


But here you are in an aerial ballet, a silhouetted arabesque against a blue, blue, above a blue, blue, and me below clicking away, mesmerized.

Dip, turn, skim.

Soar, plunge, gulp–okay, not so beautiful that last part.

But I have become a fan, won over by your faithful grace, and your elegant flight.

About apronheadlilly

wife and mother, musician, composer / poet, teacher, and observer of the world, flawed Christ-follower
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26 Responses to Pelicans, Fishing for Compliments

  1. tootlepedal says:

    Great pictures. I have always liked pelicans, maybe because of the popular verse of my childhood: What a wonderful bird is a pelican, its beak can hold more than its belly can.

  2. Your pelicans are black?! Ours are white with black wingtips; never saw a black one in my life.
    (I think the “gulp” was the part he liked best.)

    • If they were closer, they may have been more brown than black. The ones I’ve seen close up in CA, hanging out on warfs are usally brown. So I’m not sure if these guys are a different kind or not.

  3. SR says:

    I am still waiting for you to move next door to me!!! This was so awesome and one I will chalk up to “one of my favorites.” God Bless, SR

  4. I love pelicans. They definitely rank in my Top 5 of common outside-of-the-San-Diego-Zoo birds. Glad you have seen the light. lol

  5. One of the things I miss most about leaving FL for NH in 2000, I miss these birds spent many days watching them fish as I drove my rig from Tampa each day to the east coast ports. Thanks for your post I must get out my photos and blow some up and place in my bathroom as it is full of all my beach treasure 🙂

  6. Love Pelicans. I live on the Mississippi and see them migrate. They stop at two lakes just outside of the town I live in to rest. They spiral, for what seems like forever, down from a crazy-high altitude to the lake; it takes quite a while, but interesting to watch. Great shots.

  7. We’ve never seen pelicans fishing, just resting or flying. Very nice picures.

    If they could smell, they’d probably be all over the tomato garden, digging up our plants just like the coyotes expecting to find a fish, wen it was only some type of fishy liquid fertilizer. See what happens when you try organic methods of gardening… Always something new to learn.

  8. pattisj says:

    They are amazing, good captures!

  9. annestee says:

    love your pelican pics, thank you.

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