To Feel the Real

Shimmering lines appear so real.

Can I walk out to feel?

But feet would sink;

the real would slip through my fingers, liquid and evanescent.

Why do I find so much pleasure in the reflection rather than what is truly true?

About apronheadlilly

wife and mother, musician, composer / poet, teacher, and observer of the world, flawed Christ-follower
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6 Responses to To Feel the Real

  1. susansplace says:

    Beautiful photo! I think the reflections allow our minds to imagine more, reality – less.

  2. reinkat says:

    Hey, I really like this short little poem. It’s the perfect image for it, too.
    Everytime I come home from a retreat at a monastery, I regret having to leave the real world.

    • I get tired of obligation. If I was independently wealthy, I could go off like that, create and commune, and be very happy! 🙂 Probably not going to happen. A fellow blogger is from Scotland, and when I look at the beauitful green hills,I get a bit jealous. But then we have a sunset like last night . . .

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