Molten Monday


I had a poem running around in my migrained head,

it flitted in between jabs of pain in the wee hours.

Something about molten red and ribbons and burning a hole in my searing brain–no wait.  That was the migraine.


I will write it later when Motrin and coffee have done their duty!

About apronheadlilly

wife and mother, musician, composer / poet, teacher, and observer of the world, flawed Christ-follower
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21 Responses to Molten Monday

  1. Ah, that sunset is a beauty… I hope that migraine doesn’t last long. Nasty things they are.

  2. Beautiful picture but sorry about the headache!

  3. Gorgeous picture. Hope your head is feeling better.

  4. Sorry about the migraine. I hope you have recovered. The photo is a beauty.

  5. nely triana says:

    wonderfull, i want be there…

  6. Lori says:

    Great words of expression. Hope you are feeling a bit better.

  7. I don’t have migraines, but “up the back of the neck” headaches that feel like an axe is in the process of scalping me. I must stick with acetaminophen–and coffee really does help.

  8. pattisj says:

    Art mimics life or something? Hope you feel better. The picture is fantastic!

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