Defiant or Oblivious

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Notice where he is eating his luscious little peanut!

(I’m not too mean:  At least it is a live trap = all expense paid to somewhere far away.)

About apronheadlilly

wife and mother, musician, composer / poet, teacher, and observer of the world, flawed Christ-follower
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15 Responses to Defiant or Oblivious

  1. dorannrule says:

    LOL! I would say “defiant.” He may be smarter than the trap. 🙂

  2. This is awesome ! He even has extra in his cheeks !

  3. Awww! I love squirrels. Ship it here! 🙂

  4. If you move him, what about his family???? 🙂 Don’t they mate for life? Looks like he may have outsmarted you!

    • Well, chances are I won’t catch him, but if I do, I will feel guilt.

      • LOL 🙂
        Sometimes necessity wins out over guilt. Are the squirrels distractive? We have so many, we just ignore them. Although I have three cats, so not many squirrels come close to my house.
        But I did see one mourning over a fallen friend that ended up as road kill. 😛

    • It will probably be like those Disney movies where the animal finds its way back throuigh thick and thin!

      • LOL, you could write a whole book on this subject! The image that comes to mind is the cartoon The Sword in the Stone when merlin turned Arthur and himself into squirrels and the lady squirrels were heartbroken when they turned back human. That sad little cry is embedded into my memory. 🙂

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