It Doesn’t Really Matter

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It doesn’t matter if there were three wise men or two or twenty;

what we do know is there were three gifts;

and when they arrived, the family was in a house.

So put the crèche wise guys somewhere in the garage

because it will take about two years till we see them.

It doesn’t matter whether Mary rode on a donkey, a camel, or walked;

what we do know is that she and Joseph got to Bethlehem

and ended up in a stable to deliver the Messiah–

a stable that was probably more a cave than a barn.

It doesn’t really matter whether it was spring or winter

or whether the angels sang or said their praise.

What I do know is that if I heard an angel saying “Glory to God,”

it would sound like singing to me.

If I can believe in the Great Alexander from one source written hundreds of years later;

and if I can cite Caesar or Plato with confidence, trusting in the select scribes of antiquity,

what I do know is that I have no problem believing eyewitnesses,

writing within decades of what they had seen and heard,

with nothing to gain and lives to lose.

It doesn’t really matter if the evangelistic atheists make a mockery of faith,

with their presupposition that miracles don’t happen,

relegating documented historical documents to myth;

what I do know is Christ’s historicity has veracity,

and it is the humble entrance of a heavenly King

that stumbles the wise in their own eyes.

And this is what really matters:

Messiah has come!

About apronheadlilly

wife and mother, musician, composer / poet, teacher, and observer of the world, flawed Christ-follower
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10 Responses to It Doesn’t Really Matter

  1. Thank you for the hopeful reminder! Merry Christmas!

  2. Vicki says:

    very well written.. Merry Christmas to you.

  3. patsykmiller says:

    HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH!! HALLELUJAH!!! WELL DONE, Lilly!!! I loved it all….and it does matter, EXACTLY as you said!!! Merry, Merry Christmas to you and yours’!

  4. reinkat says:

    Hey, I hope you don’t mind, but let me know if you do, but have always liked this poem. I am surrounded with “evangelistic atheists” every day (love that phrase) and hear all the time about how the Christians just stole the solstice from the Pagans in order to conquer, and how
    Christianity is a myth, and so on. I found this post so very pertinent . . . and being the one in charge of coming up with a reflection for discussion at my faith-sharing group this month, I printed out your words . . . is that okay with you?

I would love to hear from you!