I’m a Red Neck

I may be red neck, but I still don’t like country.

About apronheadlilly

wife and mother, musician, composer / poet, teacher, and observer of the world, flawed Christ-follower
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11 Responses to I’m a Red Neck

  1. Gosh, what lovely shots you have there! =)

  2. LOLOL! And great pictures, too. We’ve not seen our hummies for awhile now.

  3. Biltrix says:

    Always a treasure to get a shot of a humming bird. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one with a red neck like that. By the way, I’m a redneck too and I share your sentiments on country music (if that’s what you meant).

    • 🙂 Actually I like all kinds of music . . . well, I am not fond of hip hop and rap. What is amazing about these birds is that their feahers will look black, but then at a certain angle or light, you will see purple or red. The sun was shining in such a way that the red glowed, and he wasso nice to stop a little and pose.

  4. susansplace says:

    What a gorgeous photo. It’s when I see things like this; so beautiful, and so nature-made, that I question folks who question that there is a God! And, for the record, I like country!

  5. melodylowes says:

    I love how that iridescent dazzle shows up in that light! Beautiful shots. Love the title! 🙂

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